Helen Bamber Foundation

Refer to the Helen Bamber Foundation

Following advice from public health England in relation to the emerging coronavirus situation we have made the decision to temporarily put referrals to the Foundation on hold in order to avoid any potential risk to clients. We will be reviewing the situation regularly and hope to open to referrals as soon as it is safe to do so. Please continue to check our website for updates.

Please also note that we are not an emergency service. If the person you are referring is in mental health crisis and/or at risk to themselves we would advise that they call the Samaritans mental health helpline on 116 123 or attend their local A&E.

We do not consider referrals for those under the age of 18. For those whose age is disputed by the Home Office, we go by the age given by the individual being referred.
We cannot offer our services to anyone who is currently in an Immigration Removal Centre or Prison.

Please complete the sections below.

Who is submitting this referral?

It is essential that the Helen Bamber Foundation can communicate with you before we can process this referral.
Therefore, please refrain from discharging the patient until a decision on this referral has been made.
Otherwise, we may not be able to accept the referral.

What service are you referring for?

The Foundation’s MOIC Service may include provision of therapy, legal protection support, housing and welfare advice and casework, specialist counter-trafficking support, a medical advisory service and access to our community and integration programmes.
Individuals referred to the Foundation for a Medico-Legal Report only will not have access to our wider range of services.

Privacy Notice

The Helen Bamber Foundation (the Foundation) needs to store, use and share your personal information in a number of ways so that we can consider accepting you within our service.

The Foundation is not part of the Home Office, nor any other government body. HBF does not receive any funding from any government body. At our Foundation, all staff work confidentially, and in accordance with the Data Protection Act as well as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). As set out below, this means that we will not share your information without your permission and this is why we ask you to complete the referrals consent form.

1. What information do we collect about you and why?

We need to collect some information about you if you are referred to our Foundation so that we can understand your need and whether we are the most appropriate organisation to support you.

  • Legal issues and immigration status so we understand whether we can help you with your immigration or asylum application or other case.
  • Housing and financial situation so we can understand whether you need to support to access safe and suitable accommodation or access financial support you are eligible for.
  • Physical and mental health to understand whether you are receiving appropriate treatment and/or therapy or whether you have had difficulties accessing appropriate support.
  • Interests and level of education so we can better understand what services and activities you would like to engage with, and whether we can make that possible.
  • Contact details to contact you if we need any further information and update you about the outcome of the referral.
  • Legal representative, GP (or other healthcare professional) and other key workers’ contact details so that we can better understand your support network, and contact those supporting you for more information to inform our referral decision if required.

We also use this information to tell people and organisations about the work that we do so that they will support our work. For example, the Helen Bamber Foundation will tell people about the number and type of referrals we receive, and the range of needs of those referred to us. This is so that we can encourage people to continue to support the Foundation. When we do this, we never give any information to anyone which will identify you such as your name or your address without your permission.

2. How do we collect this information?

  • From the referral form – the referrer provides the information we request so we can carefully consider how we may be able to help you. We ask that the referrer explains to you why they are doing this and asks for your permission before making the referral.
  • Directly from you e.g. we may have to call or email you to ask for more information before we make a decision on your referral.
  • Directly from others e.g. we may have to contact your solicitor to understand the basis of your asylum or immigration application and whether there is anything we may be able to do to assist.

We may need to contact your solicitor, GP, health professional, support worker or others involved with your support to request information about your needs before we make a decision on your referral. We will only ever do this when we have your specific consent to do so.

3. Who do we share your information with and why?

During the referral process we only share the information provided by you internally amongst our multidisciplinary team when discussing and making a decision on your referral.

Once we have made a decision on your referral, we share this decision along with any signposting suggestions with the person who referred you to the Foundation.

Where we have your consent to contact other supporting third parties, for example, your solicitor, caseworker or GP, we may communicate the outcome of the decision with them too.

In an emergency and in order to safeguard the welfare of you or a third party, there may be times where we share information without your consent.

4. How do we keep your information safe?

Your personal information will be recorded and stored securely in electronic files, for as long as is necessary to process your referral. Your file will be archived electronically and eventually securely destroyed in accordance with the UK’s data protection regulations and the Helen Bamber Foundation’s retention policy.

The Helen Bamber Foundation will never release your personal electronic data unless required by law or where there is a clear overriding public or vital interest in disclosure. Where possible, we will talk to you before disclosing your information.

5. What are your rights?

You have the right to request a copy of the information we hold you about and we will provide this to you as quickly as we can. There are some exceptions to this right. If one of these might apply, we will let you know and provide you with a decision as quickly as we can.

You can also withdraw your consent for us to use your information. However, withdrawing your consent may mean that we are unable to consider accepting you into our service.

To request your information, withdraw your consent, or discuss anything else in this document, please contact us at 020 3058 2020 and ask for the Data Protection Officer or Referrals Coordinator.

Referrer contact details

Personal details

Physical Disability
Learning Disability

The Individual's Experiences

My Experiences

Characters remaining: 3000.

Legal Protection

Drop document(s) here, or click to manually upload.

Support Worker

Support Worker Details

Housing & Welfare

 Same as Contact Address?

Mental & Physical Health

GP Details

Drop document(s) here, or click to manually upload.

Other Support Organisations Involved

Additional Information

Characters remaining: 3000.


Please download and sign the Consent Form, then upload a photo or scan of the signed document.

Please download the Consent Form, and have the individual read and sign it, then upload a photo or scan of the signed document.

Drop scan or photo of completed Consent Form here, or click to manually upload.
Consent Form Attached

Attach Additional Documents

Drop document(s) here, or click to manually upload.
Attached Documents